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Art League Morning

Cincinnati Art League Morning at Hartwell Elementary

Saturday, September 30, 10 am – Noon

Come and tour the Hartwell Elementary School and view the vintage murals and Rookwood fixtures in this 100 year old building. Members of the Art League will be there to answer your questions about the art featured throughout the building. The program is free, and refreshments will be provided.

The Cincinnati Art League was founded in 1903, and has provided art work to Cincinnati schools for over 100 years. Children would save their change and donate these savings to the Art League to buy art for their schools. The last time they sponsored a tour of Hartwell Elementary was about 20 years ago. Members and non-members are invited.

There will also be art projects from Hartwell Elementary students on display.

This program is sponsored by the Hartwell Elementary School, the Cincinnati Art League, and the Hartwell Improvement Association History Committee. We are looking forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions about the program, email me at


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