How the Public Can Participate in the Upcoming Budget Process
· All Cincinnati residents are encouraged to share their input regarding the upcoming Fiscal Year 2022 Operating and Capital Budget. There will be three public hearings held at 5 PM on June 3, June 8, and June 9. While we wish the hearing locations could be dispersed throughout the City as in previous years, we look forward to seeing you at Cincinnati City Hall or virtually via Zoom.
· To participate via Zoom, sign up to speak here: This registration form can be submitted up to one week prior to the meeting but must be received by 2:00 p.m. the day before you are requesting to participate, with the exception that registration forms for public hearing items will be accepted if received by 9:00 a.m. the day of the hearing. Once you submit your form, someone from the Office of the Clerk of Council will contact you with additional information by e-mail and/or by phone.
· COVID-19 safety measures will be in place at City Hall and those attending in person will be required to wear masks and socially distance.
· You can livestream the hearings via CitiCable at or on cable television—on Spectrum Cable (channel 23) and Cincinnati Bell Fioptics (channels 800 and 80.)
· To view the Recommended Biennial Budget documents, visit