The Equitable Growth & Housing Committee meeting has scheduled a Public Hearing for Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 1:00 P.M., at City Hall Council Chambers, Room 300, 801 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 to discuss:
MODIFYING Title XIV, '‘Zoning Code of the City of Cincinnati,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by amending the provisions of Section 1405-03, “Specific Purposes of Multi-Family Subdistricts,” Section 1405-07, “Development Regulations,” Section 1407-07, “Development Regulations,” Section 1409-09, “Development Regulations,” Section 1410-07, “Development Regulations,” Section 1413-07, “Development Regulations,” and Section 1415- 09, “Development Regulations,” to reduce or remove density limitations in certain zoning districts and thereby remove a barrier to the creation of housing within the city.
Members of the Committee
Reggie Harris, Chair
Meeka Owens, Vice-Chair
Jeff Cramerding, Member
Mark Jeffreys, Member
Liz Keating, Member
Jan-Michele Lemon Kearney, Member
Victoria Parks, Member
Scotty Johnson, Member
Comments and questions may be directed to:
Samantha McLean, City Planner, Department of City Planning
Two Centennial Plaza, 805 Central Avenue, Suite 720, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
(513) 352-4886 (phone)
Beginning on Monday, April 19, 2021 City Council Chambers will be open to the public for the limited purpose of attending City Council and Council committee meetings. The City will enforce maximum capacity restrictions for in-person participation in accordance with ongoing COVID-19 protocols. Members of the public are encouraged to continue to provide public comment and participate in Council meetings remotely via Zoom
Due to COVID-related safety measures in place at City Hall, members of the public attending a Council meeting or Council committee meeting in person will be required to wear masks and socially distance at least six feet away from others while inside City Hall and in Council Chambers. The public will be required to be seated and masked in accordance with State health orders except as necessary to make public comments or otherwise testify in the meeting at the request of Council or the Council committee. City Hall security staff will monitor attendance and limit entry to City Hall once capacity is reached.
This hearing can be watched in real time on CitiCable or by livestreaming the meeting at Members of the public may also register to appear at the hearing via Zoom at, and they may submit written comments and questions to City Council by email at All hearing registrations, comments, and questions must be received by 9am (EST) on the day of the hearing. Please note that the failure to timely register or to timely submit a comment or question may result in your inability to participate in the hearing or to have your comment or question considered at the hearing.