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Tornado remembered and HIA meeting

Tuesday August 15th 6:15. The Hartwell Historical Group in conjuction with Hartwell Improvement Association will be having a program about the August 9, 1969 Tornado. Sometimes termed as the forgotten tornado. It ravaged the valley as well as Deer Park, Maderia, and Terrace Park. Hartwell had three fatalities and Reading one. Hartwell residents, and others, are asked to bring pictures, momentos, and their experiences. " FUNNEL" cakes will be served. The Hartwell Improvement Association meeting will follow at 7:00. Exhibits will be on display throughout the evening. The event will take place at the welcoming Hartwell Recreation Center. A partial tornado display will remain at the Historical Group's display case permantly at the Recreation Center. Please come and share your experiences and the funnel cake powdered sugar all over your shirt.


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