2021 is a wrap!
2021 was a busy year for the Hartwell Improvement Association.
In addition to having monthly meetings, we had several successful neighborhood cleanups, a large Neighborhood Block Party at The Mutual Arts Center and a successful Light Up Hartwell event at The Hartwell Presbyterian Church. The HIA welcomed the Hartwell History Walk and sponsored a Plant Swap. Jane sent out a email newsletter and we mailed an annual letter as well.
The HIA made donations to Unity Church Food Pantry, donated to National Night Out and we donated to the seniors who meet at The Hartwell Recreation Center. We also bought Hartwell School and the Recreation Center a large grill to share.
We applied for three grant opportunities and used the money for the events, dance classes, donations and for mowing. In partnership with Green Living By design we kept the islands and field by Woodbine and Galbraith maintained. We also maintained a few vacant areas as well.
Of course there are residents who go above and beyond, picking up trash, maintaining greenspace areas and volunteering in other ways as well. Hartwell would not be the same without you!
If you would like to join the HIA and support our neighborhood, please go to our website and use the link to join. If you would like a membership form dropped off or mailed to you, let us know. Hartwell Improvement Association (HIA) | Hartwell (hartwellohio.com) or hartwell.1912.improvement@gmail.com

2022 will have a lot going on. We plan to have meetings, events and help with our greenspace areas. In addition we are going to look at expanding our membership area to include the Valleydale area of Hartwell as well as taking a look at our meeting schedule. Last year we talked with Invest and kicked around a few ideas. While it is important to meet, and we do have attendees, who we greatly appreciate, one has to wonder is this the best practice?
Cheers to the New Year!
We look forward to working with you for our neighborhood.