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Hamilton County Reenetry

The Hamilton County One-Stop Resource Center was created to eliminate barriers to accessing supportive services for all Hamilton County residents, including those with criminal convictions.

The One-stop Resource Center isn't your typical resource fair. Our goal is to offer our community access to service providers each month at the same location for assistance related to vital records, personal identification, substance abuse and mental health care, child support concerns, housing, record sealing or expungement, and health care. When you visit the One-stop Resource Center, don't expect to just learn more about a local organization, but to make an appointment with a provider, begin the intake process, resolve issues or meet service related conditions of release.

Hamilton County wants to make resources more accessible to the community.

Final Friday of each month from 10:00am to 1:00pm Ohio Means Jobs 1916 Central Pkwy Cincinnati, OH 45214


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