MSDS sent us this link to watcha drone flyover of the Lick Run Greenway Project
The Lick Run Greenway is anticipated to be completed in spring 2021. A grand opening celebration will be scheduled for late spring 2021.
For more details about this project, please visit the Lick Run Project website at
or contact us at (513) 557-3594 or
The video starts at the banks of the Mill Creek (eastern boundary of the project) and flies west over the project area with Westwood Avenue (on the left) and Queen City Avenue (on the right). At the western boundary of the project (~old Queen City at Lick Run Way), the drone turns around and flies over the same area going east.
Highlights include:
The new outfall on the banks of the Mill Creek is done. The 1.5-mile underground stormwater conveyance box has been operational since January and conveying stormwater flow to the Mill Creek.
State Street is done and has been re-opened to two-way traffic.
Queen City Avenue between Harrison and Beekman streets has been repaved and restriped.
The ~2-acre pond between the Cincinnati Fire Station #21 and the Family Dollar store is nearly complete. Additional plantings will occur in spring 2021.
The stream channel is complete and is now conveying water to the pond during rainstorms. NOTE: The channel will run dry at times (unless it's raining) until the pump station to recirculate the water from the pond to the Headwaters is started up in spring 2021.
The civic recreation area and parking lot between Harrison and Grand avenues is done, but the playground, basketball courts, and shelters have not been turned over to CRC and are not open to the public.
The Headwaters area and parking lot is complete. View our Headwater in Action video:
The wetland forebay area between the Queen City Bypass and old Queen City Avenue. is complete. During rainstorms, the forebay cleans the rainwater and then pipes it to the Headwaters.
