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Mill Creek Update

Annual State of the Mill Creek Address

Analysis of data and interpretation of findings from the Mill Creek watershed will be presented by a series of local professionals including UC professor emeritus Dr. Mike Miller. Join us as we look through the lens of the citizen scientist, local angler, and multiple data parameters of Mill Creek, highlighting water quality improvements, habitat restoration, and current areas of concern.

March 1st, 2023 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

  • IN-PERSON at Gorman Heritage Farm in the Soil and Stars Building: 10052 Reading Rd. Evendale, OH 45241

  • VIRTUAL Options: Join via Zoom or ICRC TV broadcast

The event is free and everyone is welcome. Registration is suggested.

Will you help us plan for the future of our region?

The Strategic Regional Policy Plan (SRPP) originally adopted by our partner OKI Regional Council of Governments in 2005, is a shared vision for regional vitality, sustainability, and competitiveness that focuses on land use and transportation.

OKI is updating this plan for 2023 and needs input from you, the community. Please consider taking a few minutes to fill out this survey and help us plan for important transportation, housing, and environmental initiatives. We would greatly appreciate your help to make sure the plan reflects the opinions and values of all people and places in the region.

OKI will be accepting responses until March 31. Take the survey today!

Questions and further information: Contact Travis Miller at

Teachers, It's time to schedule a field trip with MCA!

MCA's programs bring STEM education to life for students as it reconnects them to an urban river trumpeting a message of hope, resilience, and resurgence. Mill Creek is roaring back to life and MCA wants students to engage with our restored habitats in a variety of ways such as service learning, ecological assessment field trips, internships, and on-campus presentations.

For more information and to reserve a field trip contact: Johnny Dwyer


This site is monitored and updated by the Hartwell Improvement Association.

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